Eye See Everything Clearly Now
My head is filled with memories, some short-term, long-term and a fraction is saved to store. I have always wondered what family, McDonalds, Brexit and Trump look like in my minds eye. Do people with larger heads and bigger memory banks carry society within them, is this advantageous? When I look at a screen does this mean laser engraining information or wiping my slates clean.
How does my psyche construct holographic rooms of data and is this the secret to mobile phone addiction. I remember a familiar face, but how? It must take great energy to form outlines and associate this with emotions, other internal documents. Are certain things like my home, four walls to my bedroom all just simple microscopic bacteria that has a place in my brain. Such as certain sounds I hang onto because of their repetition or intensity. Purring of a kitten, my favourite sports channel or a boiling kettle.
On the one hand we have consumers but how do we take advantage of what we know to create things that are well received. What does advertising really come down to, what matters. How does Tom Cruise excite so much action and what would it take to reverse that image or even delete him. Chess can provide part of the picture.
If we ask chess experts to memorise a position, they will more likely remember it if it's closer to a realistic game. "Oh that's the Queens Gambit Declined 1.d4 d5 2.c4" etc, but if the same pieces are spread out in a random way their is greater difficulty. Our brain tend to click back to things we already remember, this can be exploited by us or others. Read more.
If I want to take advantage of this I would spend hours every year exploring my games till I built up a chess mode which in terms of size, a win is guaranteed if it excels my opponent. People in academia do the same, years idling theories till they pretty much become the theory. What they have is truth because they breathe their respective subjects.
The minds of revolutionary innovators can take the same form, we the untrained audience come to understand what they offer but never fully. That's what artists are so talented at, they can build the same thing but it's completely different now. I'm always reminded by the world an author like J.K. Rowling created, careful editing and exploration made the hit sensation. Making her finessing more human than most humans. What fictional worlds do ordinary people create, do they even begin to match ours.
How does my psyche construct holographic rooms of data and is this the secret to mobile phone addiction. I remember a familiar face, but how? It must take great energy to form outlines and associate this with emotions, other internal documents. Are certain things like my home, four walls to my bedroom all just simple microscopic bacteria that has a place in my brain. Such as certain sounds I hang onto because of their repetition or intensity. Purring of a kitten, my favourite sports channel or a boiling kettle.
On the one hand we have consumers but how do we take advantage of what we know to create things that are well received. What does advertising really come down to, what matters. How does Tom Cruise excite so much action and what would it take to reverse that image or even delete him. Chess can provide part of the picture.
If we ask chess experts to memorise a position, they will more likely remember it if it's closer to a realistic game. "Oh that's the Queens Gambit Declined 1.d4 d5 2.c4" etc, but if the same pieces are spread out in a random way their is greater difficulty. Our brain tend to click back to things we already remember, this can be exploited by us or others. Read more.
If I want to take advantage of this I would spend hours every year exploring my games till I built up a chess mode which in terms of size, a win is guaranteed if it excels my opponent. People in academia do the same, years idling theories till they pretty much become the theory. What they have is truth because they breathe their respective subjects.
The minds of revolutionary innovators can take the same form, we the untrained audience come to understand what they offer but never fully. That's what artists are so talented at, they can build the same thing but it's completely different now. I'm always reminded by the world an author like J.K. Rowling created, careful editing and exploration made the hit sensation. Making her finessing more human than most humans. What fictional worlds do ordinary people create, do they even begin to match ours.
recall Walter Lippmann, his book "Public Opinion" which is the only
thing you need to know. An enlightening perspective on modern thought building.
Here are summary excerpts I enjoyed are below.
Walter Lippmann
supports his argument by discussing how public opinions consist of
pictures inside men’s heads and why the picture “so often misleads men
in their dealings with the world outside”
People form
mental images of events they do not experience and attach emotions to those
I suppose I am saying that if theres traces of original genius in your product or service then it can become successful. The overall masterminded product doesn't necessarily go over our
heads, our subconscious appreciates the careful planning as intended.
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